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Threat Assessment

A violence or threat assessment for your venue, event, or workplace is one of the best investments you can make for your organization.


A violence or threat assessment not only protects your staff, guests, employees, customers, and the public from imminent risks, but also prevents financial losses from theft, violence, and litigation. Workplace violence is on the rise, and that means leadership must be vigilant about identifying potential threats within their business. With Dominion XP’s threat assessment services and professional intervention, you can rest easy knowing your organization or event and your staff are protected.  



Site surveys are an important factor in performing threat assessments. Reviewing emergency action plans, screening select personnel, inspecting access control, surveying weak points in physical perimeters, are just some aspects of performing a threat assessment.  Dominion’s leadership has extensive experience from the US military in tactical combat planning, as well as intelligence gathering and their expertise ensures your organization receives pertinent, real-time information to adequately assess potential threats, along with recommendations of mitigation protocols. 


When it comes to preventing violence in your workplace, having a threat assessment investigator with diverse human experience can provide crucial context in violence or threat assessment. Dominion XP’s private investigation team can conduct illuminating background checks on employees or persons of interest beyond the typical criminal background check and assess the relevant factors in their history that might indicate they could potentially be violent, including their digital fingerprint, contributions to open-source platforms, behavioral activity, as well as criminal history, and employment history. Our violence & threat assessment team can also provide insight into how prepared and protected your business is for an act of workplace violence, both on a minimal and monumental scale.

Contact us today to learn how Dominion XP can help keep your organization safe.

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